Wednesday, April 8, 2009

mini-torture session of the week.

My kids do not like to be photographed.  Today I tried to bribe Nash while Cooper was napping.  I offered teddy bears, he just wanted to strangle them.  I offered Marshmellow Peeps, he just squished them and was then annoyed that they were sticking to his hands.  Lastly I offered plastic easter eggs and that held him there for a little while.  I think I got a few good shots.  :) After Cooper's nap he joined us and I ended up having to give him a tootsie pop to get him to sit still.  Here are the results....

1 comment:

Tiffany Winters said...

I love your pictures. I don't know how you take such beautiful ones. Maybe it's the camera and all that raw talent you have... Yep. That's probably it.