Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Today is Clint's birthday!  Happy Birthday babe!  I cannot say enough about how amazing Clint is.  Anyone who knows him, knows this.  He is such an amazing Dad to our boys, I mean just look at this picture (it explains it all).  

Sorry I've been slacking on the blog lately.  I've started my own business and it has kept me pretty busy.  I have 3 newborn sessions, 2 one-year old sessions, and a couple shoot this month.  I'm so excited to be starting this, its something I love doing with my whole heart.  There is a link to my website on the side of the page, but the address is if you'd like to take a look. 

The boys have also kept me busy (and I love it!).  Nash is teething and pretty miserable-I don't blame him.  I can't believe he is going to 6 months on Friday! It has really flown by.  He is sitting up unsupported and try so hard to get up on all fours.   We're working on getting him on bottles, its very hit or miss right now.  Last night he took about 4oz of formula right before bed and then nursed, and he slept 10 hours! 
It seems like everyday Cooper's vocabulary just keeps getting bigger.  He speaks in full sentences, can say his ABCs, loves cartoons (bad Mom!),  and loves to be read to.  He is also developing a bunch of new facial expressions that crack Clint and I up everytime he does them.  He is definitely getting a little attitude. 

Here are some pictures from the last few days....

Nash, covered in drool.  

Today, Cooper playing outside.
I love his eyes!

Nash's first tooth. 
Making a mess of his squash today.

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